Alba is a great showcasing template for companies of all sizes

Alba brings you a powerful yet customizable HTML template you can use to showcase your startup

Everything you need to showcase your product — without the hassle.

  • Full Code

    Alba comes with fully documented HTML, SASS, JS, PHP code, all in a well organized and structured way.

  • Free Updates

    You'll get lifetime free updates as we improve or add new features.

  • Premium Support

    In case you need it, We got you covered, with our premium quality fast support service.

Designed to provide top-notch appearance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud officia deserunt mollit exercitation.

Nullam vitae scelerisque est, sed tempus metus. Donec convallis volutpat enim consequat viverra. Nam blandit est eu ipsum elementum, ac pellentesque nibh placerat. Quisque venenatis pulvinar nulla, non vestibulum urna ultrices accumsan.

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Lightweight HTML template great for your product

Suspendisse dignissim lorem vel elit dapibus mattis. Etiam magna nunc, maximus bibendum diam et, porttitor venenatis augue. Suspendisse rutrum maximus urna.

Vivamus ut mauris vel orci ornare hendrerit. Pellentesque eu enim ipsum. In mauris tellus, gravida nec euismod et, egestas et tortor. Sed ante ipsum, scelerisque vel enim eu, facilisis consectetur elit.

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Alba is great for..

Anyone who is looking for a great startup template

Lorem Inc. Team, Doing great since 2017

We answers your questions

Not sure how this template can help you? Wonder why you need to buy our theme?

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we hear from our appreciated customers

  • What does the package include?

    When you buy Alba, you get all you see in the demo but the images. We include SASS files for styling, complete JS files with comments, all HTML variations. Besides we include all mobile PSD mockups.

  • What is the typical response time for a support question?

    Since you report us a support question we try to make our best to find out what is going on, depending on the case it could take more or les time, however a standard time could be minutes or hours.

  • What do I need to know to customize this template?

    Our documentation give you all you need to customize your copy. However you will need some basic web design knowledge (HTML, Javascript and CSS)

  • Can I suggest a new feature?

    Definitely Yes, you can contact us to let us know your needs. If your suggestion represents any value to both we can include it as a part of the theme or you can request a custom build by an extra cost. Please note it could take some time in order for the feature to be implemented.