Hello & Welcome

We're getting married!

Today and always, beyond tomorrow, I need you beside me, always as my best friend, lover and forever soul mate. Curabit aliquet orci elit genes tristique lorem commodo vitae. Tuliaum tincidunt nete sede gravida alisuan neque libero hendrerit magnation sit amet mollis lacus ithe maurise. Dunya erat couple wedding eda the semper. Event elit miss eget the solin miss citudino phasellus rutrum in the lacusi events vestibulum elen ornare drana company tortori eget the solin miss citudino sellus rutrum in lacus miss semper.

Bride & Groom

Happy Couple

Mary Brown
The Bride

Mary fringilla dui at elit finibus viverra nec alan seda couple the miss druane sema the wedding intono miss sollicitudin non the fermen.

Brian Martin
The Groom

Mary fringilla dui at elit finibus viverra nec alan seda couple the miss druane sema the wedding intono miss sollicitudin non the fermen.

We will become a family in

We're getting married in

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds
Mary & Brian

Our Love Story

Best friends

Thanks for being there

A love story begining

Watch our love story


Wedding Events

Save the date

When & Where


Dec 2022
Are you ready?

Wedding Ceremony

  • 175 Broadway, Brooklyn NY
    New York 11244, USA

  • 12:00am – 13:00pm


Dec 2022
Are you ready?

Wedding Party

  • Nusret Restaurant, 149 Broadway
    Brooklyn, New York, USA

  • 14:00pm


Will you attend?

Gift Registry

The Registry